The Philippine Embassy issues Marriage Licenses and solemnises marriages at the chancery. However, marriages solemnised at the Philippine Embassy may not be recognised by UK Government authorities in accordance with the provisions of the UK Marriage Act. Both contracting parties must be Filipino citizens and must appear personally at the Philippine Embassy when filing a Marriage License.
Documentary Requirements:
- Four (4) copies, Marriage License forms completed and signed by the husband (download here)
- Four (4) copies, Marriage License forms completed and signed by the wife (download here)
- Husband's original valid Philippine passport
- Four (4) photocopies, data page of husband's valid Philippine passport
- Wife's original valid Philippine passport
- Four (4) photocopies, data page of wife's valid Philippine passport
- Original and four (4) photocpies, husband's Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Birth Certificate apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Philippines
- Original and four (4) photocpies, wife's Philippine Statistics Authority-issued Birth Certificate apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs in the Philippines
- Five pieces, identical passport-size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm) of the husband
- Five pieces, identical passport-size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm) of the wife
- Supporting documents, depending on the contracting party's circumstances:
Circumstance | Supporting Documents |
Single |
Widow/er |
Annuled (in the Philippines) |
Divorced or Annuled in the UK |
Contracting parties who are 18 to 20 years old |
Other supporting documents may be required by the Civil Registry Division as appropriate.
Processing Fee: GBP 216.00 (payable by card or contactless)
- Prepare all the necessary documentary requirements.
- Book an appointment to file the Marriage License (book an appointment under the Civil Registry category here)
- Visit the Philippine Embassy on your confirmed appointment date / time.
- During your visit, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Two (2) preferred dates for the solemnisation of your marriage
- Two (2) names for your ceremony's witnesses
- During your visit, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Pay the processing fee at the cashier. We only accept payments via card or contactless.
What happens next:
- After the marriage license has been successfully filed, a Notice of Marriage will be posted at the Embassy's public areas. This notice will be posted for the purpose of requesting members of the public to immediately inform the Embassy if there is any impediment to the marriage of the contracting parties.
- The marriage license shall be issued after the completion of of the publication period and shall be valid for no more than 120 days or four (4) months.
Important Reminders:
- Applicants with incomplete submissions will be turned away and asked to book a new appointment.
- Marriages contracted at the Philippine Embassy are governed solely by Philippine laws.
- Divorce is not recognised under Philippine laws.
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