- Details
- Written by london.pe
- Category: Plants
- Hits: 9244
Bringing Plants/Plant Products Into The Philippines
Plants, plant products and planting materials carried by arriving travellers shall be declared to the Custom Officer and Plant Quarantine Officer at the port of entry, for inspection and clearance.
Declarable items shall cover:
- Living plants
- Seedlings
- Seedless fruits for planting
- Bulbs/tubers
- Fresh fruits/vegetables
- Grains
- Beans
- Pure culture of any organism
- Spices
- Herbs
- Fried and dried mushroom / mushroom cultures
- Cutflowers
- Soil
- Other commodity capable of harbouring plant pest
Items without Plant Quarantine Clearance shall be confiscated and disposed of accordingly.
Further queries may be directed to:
Plant Quarantine Service
Bureau of Plant Industry
Department of Agriculture
Website : http://pqs.da.gov.ph
Telephone : +63-2 5243749 / +63-2 4040409