A. For principal/s already accredited
1. Employment Contract (original)
· must be notarized by a Solicitor/Notary Public in UK/Northern Ireland and thereafter legalized by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
2. Copy of passport of employer or person signing the document
3. Copy of employee’s passport
4. Copy of employee’s visa or assignment of certificate of sponsorship
5. Other supporting documents, as may be required by the Office of the Labor Attache
B. For principals not yet accredited
All of the above plus SPA, RA, and manpower request/job order and master employment contract, proof that employer/company is licensed by the UKBA/RI to sponsor migrant workers, and Guarantee Letter from the Principal that it has sufficient number of Certificates of Sponsorship to cover the manpower requirement in the JO
· must be notarized by a Solicitor/Notary Public in UK/Northern Ireland and thereafter legalized by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
C. For direct hiring of HSWs - all items in item A, plus letter request for POEA Exemption and duly accomplished Employer’s profile
Procedures & Fees:
A. Personal Transaction
1. Present the above documents in two sets, one original and one photocopy to the Office of the Labor Attache, Philippine Embassy
2. If found complete and in order, the same will be processed, stamped, verified and signed
3. Pay the verification fee of £14.00 for each of the following documents relating to the hiring of an individual worker, namely: (i) Job Order/Manpower Request; (ii) Individual Employment Contract; (iii) Special Power of Attorney; (iv) Employer’s certificate of registration/incorporation; (v) other documents
Pay the verification fee of £42.00 for each of the following documents relating to the hiring of more than one worker: (i) Master Employment Contract; (ii) Special Power of Attorney ; (iii) Recruitment Agreement; (iv) Job Order/Manpower Request
4. Payment should be done in cash
5. Present the documents to the Consular Section, Philippine Embassy, and pay the authentication fee of £18.00 for each of the verified documents
6. Wait for the release of the documents.
B. By Post
1. Send the above documents in two sets, one original and one photocopy to the Office of the Labor Attache, Philippine Embassy, 6 Suffolk St, London SW1Y 4HG
2. Include payment, in postal money order, payable to “POLO-London” for verification fees which is £14.00 and/or £42.00as the case may be, for each document as above
3. Include another payment, in postal money order, payable to “Philippine Embassy-London” for authentication fees of £18.00 for each document as above
4. If found complete and in order, the same will be processed, stamped, verified and signed
5. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of documents
For inquiries, please contact: Office of the Labor Attache
Philippine Embassy, Suffolk St., London
Tel. Nos. (0044) 2074511832/2078398039
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A. For principal/s already accredited
1. Sea-based Employment Contract (original) and Standard Terms and Conditions of Employment
· must be notarized by a Solicitor/Notary Public in UK/Northern Ireland and thereafter legalized by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
2. Certified true copy of Company’s Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation and/or data page of employer’s passport
3. Certified true copy of ship/vessel registry
4. Copy of the data page of the employee’s passport
5. Copy of employee’s visa or UKBA’s assignment of certificate
6. Other supporting documents, as may be required by the Office of the Labor Attache.
B. For principals not yet accredited
All of the above plus SPA, Manning Agreement, and crew complement/manpower request
· must be notarized by a Solicitor/Notary Public in UK/Northern Ireland and thereafter legalized by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Procedures & Fees:
A. Personal Transaction
1. Present the above documents in two sets, one original and one photocopy, to the Office of the Labor Attache, Philippine Embassy
2. If found complete and in order, the same will be processed, stamped, verified and signed
3. Pay the verification fee of £14.00 for each of the following documents relating to the hiring of an individual worker, namely: (i) Job Order/Manpower Request; (ii) Individual Employment Contract; (iii) Special Power of Attorney; (iv) Employer’s certificate of registration/incorporation; (v) other documents
Pay the verification fee of £42.00 for each of the following documents relating to the hiring of more than one worker: (i) Master Employment Contract; (ii) Special Power of Attorney; (iii) Manning Agreement; (iv) Crew Complement/Manpower Request
4. Payment should be done in cash
5. Present the documents to the Consular Section, Philippine Embassy, and pay the authentication fee of £18.00 for each of the verified documents
6. Wait for the release of the documents
B. By Post
1. Send the above documents in two sets, one original and one photocopy to the Office of the Labor Attache, Philippine Embassy, 6 Suffolk St, London SW1Y 4HG
2. Include payment, in postal money order, payable to “POLO-London” for verification fees of £14.00 and/or £42.00 as the case may be, for each document as above
3. Include another payment, in postal money order, payable to “Philippine Embassy-London” forauthentication fees of £18.00 for each document as above
4. If found complete and in order, the same will be processed, stamped, verified and signed
5. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of documents
For inquiries, please contact: Office of the Labor Attache
Philippine Embassy, 6 Suffolk St., London
Tel. Nos. (0044) 2074511832/2078398039
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.