06 March 2018 – Amb. Antonio M. Lagdameo and Gilberto Asuque, Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Deputy Chief of Mission, lead Philippine Embassy officials in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the IMO Convention in ceremonies held at the IMO Headquarters with H.M. Queen Elizabeth II as the guest of honor. H.M. The Queen unveiled the commemorative plaque assisted by IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim. The event was attended by the Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of IMO Member States and the staff of the Secretariat.
In his welcome remarks, Secretary General Lim recalled the adoption of the IMO Convention at the UN Maritime Conference held 70 years ago in Room VII of the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The Convention entered into force ten years later, on 17 March 1958 and IMO’s first meeting was held in London on 06 January 1959. The Philippines ratified the IMO Convention in 1964.
Through the years, the IMO Member States have pursued the development of the regulatory framework for a safe, environmentally-friendly and sustainable global maritime transport system. For the Philippines, the IMO is a vital UN organization in ensuring full compliance by Filipino merchant mariners of the international standards for the training and certification of seafarers, being a major source-country of manpower for the world’s merchant fleet.
During the celebration, Amb. Lagdameo signed the commemorative book congratulating the IMO on its 70th year and wishing the Organization more success in its strategic goals and work program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals in protecting the marine environment, addressing climate change and promoting safe navigation. Joining Amb. Lagdameo and PermRep Asuque during the celebration were Deputy PermRep Senen Mangalile, Alternate PermRep Emma Sarne, who had the opportunity of greeting H.M. The Queen at the IMO Headquarters, and Mr. Arsenio Lingad, Maritime Attaché, MARINA. END