The Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) has started accepting nominations for this year's Migration Advocacy and Media (MAM) Awards.
The MAM Awards recognise the positive impact of media outlets including print, radio, movie and television, advertising and internet-based publications on raising awareness about issues regarding Filipino migration. The Philippine Embassy in London and the CFO encourage you to nominate media outlets, institutions or practitioners that you feel are deemed worthy of such awards.
The awardees will be screened and evaluated by MAM Awards Committee which is comprised of the CFO , Philippine Migrants Rights Watch as well as several representatives from various institutions.
There are six different categories for the MAM awards including Print and Journalism, Radio Journalism, Television Journalism, Film Media, Interactive Media and Advertisement. For more information about the official rules, awards categories and evaluation criteria please visit the CFO Official website.
Please fill in this nomination form and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 October 2014.