The Philippine Embassy in London continues its feature on our kababayans who wear purple on Wednesdays in celebration of National Women’s Month.
This activity highlights the new recurring theme from 2023 to 2028: “WE for gender equality and inclusive society”.
Wear purple on 29 March and have a chance to be featured in the Embassy’s social media pages for #PurpleWednesdays!
#PurpleWednesdays #WEcanbeEquAll.
Ms. Charity Schofield has been in the UK since 2003. She shared her experience in working at a field dominated by men, “I used to work for our family business. It was quite physical, considered a man’s field, but I was able to do my job well. So I think women and men should be given the same opportunities in their careers. They should be given an opportunity to try out a job and decide later on whether they prefer that job or another based on their capabilities and interests.”
Presently she is a stay-at-home mom and highlighted the contribution of mothers to society. “Being a mom is a full-time job too, it might be the hardest job in the world.
We should recognize the contributions of mothers…acknowledgement is good but this should also mean sharing the responsibility of caring for the children, and contributing to the upkeep of the home.”
Ms. Purita Montero, a housekeeper, shares her observations on the changes she’s seen with regard to the situation of women in general.
“I think the situation of women has improved, even in terms of work, women can find jobs easily, even abroad. However this does not mean that things are the best they can be. There are still challenges. There should be improvements too.”
Ms. Joe Rogers, a nurse in a care home, shares that she contributes to gender equality in her own way through doing her job well. “By showing excellence, I highlight the leadership qualities of women and the contributions of women in society. This puts focus on women’s capabilities and gives recognition to our efforts.”