Pinto Poster IG

 This Museum and Galleries Month, in line with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, join us as we discover and learn more about Philippine contemporary art! Plus, have an immersive experience with one of the most Instagrammed museums in the Philippines, the Pinto Art Museum through a gamified virtual tour!  An experience that you shouldn’t miss! 

Discovering art is just a fingertip away with the  PINTO: A 360° virtual experience tour! Streaming on 12 October 2022, 3:00 PM via the DFA Facebook page and Youtube Channel

You may register and join us on Zoom via this link:


To join this online event and the different festivities this Museum and Galleries Month, please contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate General in your area.

Watch out for more announcements about PINTO: A 360° virtual experience tour on this page!


Organized in partnership with the Pinto Art Museum, this project aims to introduce and showcase Philippine Contemporary Art and Filipino artists. It aims to shine the spotlight on how art shapes our society and vice versa, and art’s role in bridging differences and finding commonalities in nationalities, ideals, and views. 

#PintoVirtualExperience, #CulturalDiplomacy, #DFAForgingAhead, #MGM2022, #MGMEmbracingUncertainty #PintoArtMuseum